FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASETUESDAY, MARCH 3, 2020 *Photo Courtesy of Senator John Cornyn's OfficePictured at a meeting in Senator Cornyn's Office is (l to r): Hollis Rutledge, U.S. Senator John Cornyn, Pharr Director of External Affairs Cynthia Garza-Reyes,...
News Archive
Pharr Officials to Host Press Conference Announcing HUB Phestival Musical Acts and Activities TODAY, Mon. 3/2 @ 4:30 pm
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Pharr, Texas – Pharr city officials will host a press conference to make an announcement regarding the city's biggest annual celebration, the Pharr Hub Phestival. The press conference will be held immediately following the Pharr City Commission...
Pharr to Host Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Traveler Produce TODAY, Thursday 2/20 @3:30 pm
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Pharr, Texas – City of Pharr officials and the Greater Pharr Chamber of Commerce will host a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the grand opening of Traveler Produce's newest facility - Eagle Cold Storage. The Ribbon Cutting...
Mayor Hernandez Takes Oath of Office as Newly Appointed Member of the CPRIT Oversight Committee
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEWEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2020 Pharr, Texas – Pharr Mayor Dr. Ambrosio Hernandez was officially administered the oath of office this morning by Presiding Officer Donald "Dee Margo" as he joined colleagues for his first meeting at the Cancer...
Mayor Hernandez Takes Oath of Office as Newly Appointed Member of the CPRIT Oversight Committee
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEWEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2020 Pharr, Texas – Pharr Mayor Dr. Ambrosio Hernandez was officially administered the oath of office this morning by Presiding Officer Donald "Dee Margo" as he joined colleagues for his first meeting at the Cancer...
Governor Appoints Anali Alanis to the TMRS Board of Trustees
GOVERNOR APPOINTS ANALI ALANIS TO THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM BOARD OF TRUSTEESPRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DATE: February 14, 2020Contact: Bill WallaceDirector of Communications512-225-3722Texas Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Anali Alanis of...
Governor Appoints Anali Alanis to the TMRS Board of Trustees
GOVERNOR APPOINTS ANALI ALANIS TO THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM BOARD OF TRUSTEESPRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DATE: February 14, 2020Contact: Bill WallaceDirector of Communications512-225-3722Texas Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Anali Alanis of...
Hidalgo County Drainage District – 2018 Bond Referendum Project #31 – Pharr-McAllen Drain
Project: 2018 Bond Referendum Project #31 - Pharr-McAllen DrainOwner: Hidalgo County Drainage District No. 1Contractor: Mor-Wil, LLCProject Start Date: February 17, 2020 Project End Date: March 6, 2020Project Scope: Pharr - Mcallen Drain...
Hidalgo County Drainage District – 2018 Bond Referendum Project #31 – Pharr-McAllen Drain
Project: 2018 Bond Referendum Project #31 - Pharr-McAllen DrainOwner: Hidalgo County Drainage District No. 1Contractor: Mor-Wil, LLCProject Start Date: February 17, 2020 Project End Date: March 6, 2020Project Scope: Pharr - Mcallen Drain...
Mayor Hernandez Appointed to Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas Oversight Committee by Lt. Governor Dan Patrick
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEWEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2020Pharr, Texas – The City of Pharr is proud to announce that Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick has appointed Mayor Dr. Ambrosio Hernandez to the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) Oversight...