Pharr City Report for 5/16/2022


Yuri Gonzalez

(956) 310-2139

Published Date

May 18, 2022
    The Board of Commissioners of the City of Pharr met for a regular meeting on Monday, May 16, 2022, and considered an agenda that included the following highlights: Pharr Ranks #1 in Sales Tax Collections for May 2022 Pharr Finance Director Karla Saavedra reported to the City Commission that Pharr ranked #1 in sales tax […]



The Board of Commissioners of the City of Pharr met for a regular meeting on Monday, May 16, 2022, and considered an agenda that included the following highlights:

Pharr Ranks #1 in Sales Tax Collections for May 2022

Pharr Finance Director Karla Saavedra reported to the City Commission that Pharr ranked #1 in sales tax collections in May 2022. The City of Pharr Sales Tax Collection Report for May 2022 also showed an increase of 14.10% Month-to-Month compared to last year (May 2021), and overall 15.66% growth compared to last year’s collections.

City of Pharr Finance Department Earns GFOA Award

City of Pharr Finance Director Karla Saavedra announced to the city commission that the Pharr Finance Department has earned the prestigious Distinguished Budget Presentation Award  for the fiscal year 2020-2021. This is the 14th consecutive year that the City of Pharr Finance Department earns the award. GFOA established the Distinguished Budget Presentation Awards Program (Budget Awards Program) in 1984 to encourage and assist state and local governments to prepare budget documents of the very highest quality that reflect both the guidelines established by the National Advisory Council on State and Local Budgeting and the GFOA’s best practices on budgeting and then to recognize individual governments that succeed in achieving that goal. To earn recognition, budget documents must meet program criteria and excel as a policy document, financial plan, operations guide, and communication tool. “I am proud of our continued excellence in budgeting and for the support of our mayor, city commission, and staff who have all helped in the achievement of this award,” said Saavedra. “The requirements for this application changed this year however, we all worked together to submit the application according to the new guidelines and the City of Pharr continues to be recognized for our transparency and budget presentation,” she added.

Commission Resolution Approves the City of Pharr Strategic Plan 2022-2027

The Pharr City Commission approved a resolution approving the City of Pharr Strategic Plan 2022-2027. The City of Pharr has prepared a Citywide Strategic Plan, updating its vision, mission and outlining six strategic objectives, related goal statements, action plans, and implementation framework in order to drive meaningful outcomes for the community. The Board of Commissioners identified six strategic objectives, which are: Service Excellence, Infrastructure, Quality of Life, Economic Vitality, Sound Governance and Fiscal Sustainability, and Safe and Secure Community. The Strategic Plan will guide financial, operational, and policy decisions for the next five years, and will be updated at least annually to recognize progress in achieving the plan.

City Partners with Workforce Solutions Work Experience/Subsidized Employment Program

The Pharr City Commission authorized City Manager Andy Harvey to enter into agreement with Workforce Solutions Work Experience/Subsidized Employment Program. The City will partner with the Workforce Solutions Work Experience/Subsidized Employment Program to provide training, leadership, role modeling, guidance about the work place and career exploration to program participants. (Project# 2122-01-526-IPQ055-001)

Commission Authorizes City Manager to Enter into an Affiliation Agreement with UT Health Rio Grande Valley for Surgical Resident Clinical Rotations

The Pharr City Commission authorized City Manager Andy Harvey to enter into an affiliation agreement with UT Health Rio Grande Valley for surgical resident clinical rotations. UT Health RGV is looking to send their surgical residents to EMS, so they can experience pre-hospital care. There is no fiscal impact to the City of Pharr for this agreement, as these surgical residents will only be conducting clinical ride outs.

Commission Proclaims May 30 as World Multiple Sclerosis Day

Mayor Ambrosio Hernandez, M.D., and the Pharr City Commission approved a proclamation declaring May 30, 2022, as “World Multiple Sclerosis Day” (MS). World MS Day is officially recognized on 30 May. It brings the global MS community together to share stories, raise awareness, and campaign with everyone affected by multiple sclerosis (MS). The 2020-2023 World MS Day theme is ‘connections’. MS Connections is all about building community connection, self-connection, and connections to quality care. Lucia Rivera, Founder of the South Texas Multiple Sclerosis Council, accepted the proclamation and shared her efforts in raising awareness about MS throughout the region, and her work with local patients.

Commission Approves Submittal of Emergency Management Plan to TDEM

The Pharr City Commission approved the City of Pharr Basic Emergency Management Plan for submittal to the Texas Division of Emergency Management. The Basic Emergency Management is required by the State of Texas. This updated plan would replace the current plan and be good for 5 years. By submitting the plan, the City of Pharr will remain eligible to receive grants and reimbursement during disasters.

Commission Adopts Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. O-2015-02

The Pharr City Commission adopted on first reading an Ordinance amending Ordinance No. O-2015-02, authorizing the City Manager to define, by executive directive, the chain of command and scope of duties pertaining to an appointed Deputy City Manager and Assistant City Manager. This amendment to the Ordinance will allow the City Manager to define the chain of command and scope of duties pertaining to deputy City Manager and Assistant City Manager.

Commission Approves Release of Final Payment and Retainage, and Acceptance of the City of Pharr/PSJA/UTRGV Aquatic Facility Project as Complete

The Pharr City Commission approved Change Order No. 5 in the amount of $99,449.41, release of Final Payment and Retainage in the amount of $1,283,790.89, and acceptance of the City of Pharr/PSJA/UTRGV Aquatic Facility Project as complete. The contractor, D. Wilson Construction, has completed construction of the City of Pharr/PSJA/ UTRGV Aquatic Facility. A preliminary walk through was held on December 22, 2021, and the City issued a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) on January 04, 2022. The architect, The Warren Group Architects, has signed off on the Certificate of Final Completion effective January 27, 2022, and the City has issued the Certificate of Occupancy (CO) effective January 27, 2022. The final Change Order Number 5 is for approval of approved change requests that exceed the contract amount. (PROJECT# 1819-35-510-C011-051)

Commission Approves Acceptance of the City of Pharr Various Parking Lot Improvements Project as Complete

The Pharr City Commission approved acceptance of the City of Pharr Various Parking Lot Improvements Project as complete, approval of Final Change Order No. 3 in the amount of $80,214.00, and release of Final Payment and Retainage in the amount of $138,075.12. RDH Site & Concrete, LLC has completed the City of Pharr Various Parking Lot Improvements Project. A final walkthrough was held on May 2, 2022, and improvements were found to be completed in general compliance with the plans and specifications. (Project # 2021-01-528-C001-374)

Commission Authorizes City Manager to Execute the Medical Task Force Air Medical Resource MOA with Southwest Regional Advisory Council

The Pharr City Commission authorized City Manager Andy Harvey to execute the Texas Emergency Medical Task Force Air Medical Resource Memorandum of Agreement with Southwest Regional Advisory Council. This MOA will allow Pharr EMS / RGV Angel Flight to deploy as State of Texas assets during a disaster. When activated by state, all personnel costs are reimburse, plus $250 per hour for standby, additionally the Federal reimbursement for helicopter or airplane.

Commission Authorizes City Manager to Enter into Agreement with Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center –  UTRGV for Organizational Key Performance Indicators

The Pharr City Commission authorized City Manager Andy Harvey to enter into an agreement with the Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center (TMAC) – University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) for Organizational Key Performance Indicators in the amount of $34,425.00. : Establishing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is necessary to ensure that the organization is fulfilling the objectives and goals of the City’s newly developed Strategic Plan. TMAC will work with the Office of Organizational and Strategic Excellence to assist and guide with the review of departmental KPIs, determine their relevance, and assure alignment with the Strategic Plan. (PROJECT# 2122-01-523-IPQ053-001)

Commission Authorizes City Manager to Negotiate and Enter into a Contract with Toros Stadium LLC for Emergency and Non-Emergency Transportation

The Pharr City Commission authorized City Manager Andy Harvey to negotiate and enter into a contract with Toros Stadium LLC, to provide emergency and non-emergency transportation of individuals needing emergency medical services. The contract will allow Pharr EMS to provide ambulance coverage to the Toros Stadium for all events. Toros Stadium will pay every 2 weeks for events worked. These fees will cover any expenses made for personnel.

Commission Authorizes City Manager to Negotiate and Enter into a Contract with Vipers Arena LLC for Emergency and Non-Emergency Transportation

The Pharr City Commission authorized City Manager Andy Harvey to negotiate and enter into a contract with Vipers Arena LLC to provide emergency and non-emergency transportation of individuals needing emergency medical services. This contract would allow Pharr EMS to provide ambulance coverage to the Vipers Arena for all events. Vipers Arena will pay every 2 weeks for all events worked. These fees cover any expenses made for personnel.

Commission Approves Third and Restated Interlocal Agreement between City of Pharr and HCRMA for Administrative Services

The Pharr City Commission approved the third and restated Interlocal Agreement between City of Pharr and Hidalgo County Regional Mobility Authority (HCRMA) for administrative services. Hidalgo County Regional Mobility Authority entered into an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Pharr for administrative services on June 20, 20212 and amended and restated in 2014, 2015, and 2021. The Board now finds it to be in the best interest of the Authority to amend Schedule A of the agreement to include vehicle rentals for construction inspectors as part of the construction of 365 tollway project.

Commission Authorizes City Manager to Execute Hold Harmless Agreement with PSJA ISD

The Pharr City Commission authorized City Manager Andy Harvey to execute the Hold Harmless Agreement with PSJA ISD for the usage of the school buses for the City of Pharr’s summer programs. The City of Pharr is requesting to enter into an agreement with the PSJA ISD for the use of their school buses for the summer athletic programs.

Commission Authorizes City Manager to Enter into an Agreement with T-Mobile for the Government Connecting Heroes Program

The Pharr City Commission authorized City Manager Andy Harvey to enter into an agreement with T-Mobile for the Government Connecting Heroes program using NASPO ValuePoint cooperative contract. T-Mobile has been offering better service in Pharr, and this program can be used to offer public safety phones and data service devices through reduced-cost plans available for them.

Commission Authorizes City Manager to Enter into an Agreement with T-Mobile to migrate from Texas DIR to GSA Procurement Contract

The Pharr City Commission authorized City Manager Andy Harvey to enter into an agreement with T-Mobile to migrate from Texas DIR to GSA procurement contract. T-Mobile now has better pricing through their GSA contract and this will transition us from DIR to this better-priced GSA agreement.

Commission Authorizes City Manager to Enter into Agreement with DHR for Wellness Lab Screening Services

The Pharr City Commission authorized City Manager Andy Harvey to enter into an agreement with Doctors Hospital at Renaissance, LTD. for wellness lab screening services. DHR shall provide wellness screening services at a discounted rate for employees and their dependents at the Employee Annual Health Fair.

Featured Event: Pharr Parks & Recreation Presents: Kids to Park Day! – Saturday, May 21st from 6 pm – 8 pm at Allen & William Arnold School Park

Pharr Parks & Recreation Presents: Kids to Park Day!

Join us Saturday, May 21st from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. at Allen & William Arnold School Park (615 W Eldora Rd, Pharr, TX) for an afternoon filled with adventure!

We will have a Live DJ, Kite flying, fishing, & MUCH MORE! Don’t forget to end your evening with a live screening of SING 2!



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