Pharr Celebrates National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Raises Awareness Around the Community

Pharr, Texas – Pharr City leaders and employees gathered together at Monday’s city commission meeting dressed in pink to celebrate and bring awareness to National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, marking the annual campaign to increase awareness of the disease, encourage early detection, and support research to find a cure.
“We urge all women and their families to increase their knowledge about breast cancer and join us to celebrate successes and remember loved ones lost,” said Mayor Ambrosio Hernandez, M.D. “This month is all about joining together to raise awareness and help with early detection,” he added.
City of Pharr leaders and employees are showing their support throughout the month by wearing pink face masks and clothing for breast cancer awareness. The city has also decorated its downtown parks with pink ribbons to honor those that are fighting against cancer.
“The City of Pharr hopes to raise awareness throughout the month-long event and we also want to encourage those going through it today and honor those who have lost their battle,” said Hernandez.
Pink ribbons will be displayed around the city throughout the month of October.