City News
Annexation is the process by which cities grow by bringing in additional territory into the city limits. Territory may be annexed by request of a property owner or can be initiated by the City. Petitioning for incorporation into the City of Pharr can be a valuable opportunity for the landowners of the property located outside the City’s corporate limits.
Terms of Annexation
The State of Texas grants authority to cities to annex territory in accordance to state law. The following terms for annexation apply:
- The maximum amount of territory a City may annex each year is normally 10% of its existing area.
- The minimum width of an area being annexed is normally 1,000 feet.
- Certain public notification requirements exist as does a requirement to hold up to two public hearings.
- A municipal service plan must be provided for the annexed area.
Property Eligible for Annexation
Property that lies within the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) and is contiguous to the existing city limits is eligible for annexation. The City’s ETJ generally covers an area that extends three and a half (3.5) miles from the city limits. A map of this area may be obtained from Planning and Zoning.
City of Pharr – Voluntary Annexation Procedures
Action Step | Statutory Time Frame |
Petitioner requests incorporation into the City Limits in writing to the City | Property owners are required to submit a request to be annexed and provide detailed metes and bounds, legal description of the property or properties to be incorporated as an attached file and directed to the attention of the City Manager. Determine applicability of Section 43.016 and act accordingly. |
Petition submitted for City Commission | Staff receives the submittal and prepares for City Commission. Petition of owners and negotiate and execute written service agreement (include development agreement, if applicable)
Written service agreement must include: 1) a list of each service the city will provide on the effective date of the annexation; and 2) a schedule that includes the period within which the city will provide each service that is not |
Resolution presented to CC | Resolution for annexation submitted to CC, must include petitions, development agreements, exhibits, and declaration of the City’s ETJ. |
Notice of public hearing must be posted in the newspaper of general circulation and must be posted on the municipality’s internet website (only one public hearing required) |
Certified mail notice to public school district in accordance with 43.905 | Notice must be sent on or after the 20th day but before the 10th day of the date of the 1st public hearing |
Certified Mail Notice to Public Entities in accordance with 43.9051 | Notice must be sent on or after the 20th day but before the 10th day of the date of the 1st Public Hearing. NOTE: Additional provisions apply where the content of this notice is concerned, and 43.9051 MUST be reviewed carefully to ensure the notice includes the proper detailed information. |
Public Hearing | Hold Public Hearing – Regular CC Meeting |
1st, 2nd, and 3rd and final reading of Annexation Ordinance | Present annexation ordinance in 3 separate readings (43.0673 and City Charter Article I, Section 5) |
Annexation complete | Complete post annexation procedures:
Properties become a part of the city limits and can proceed with submitting for subdivision and building permit. |
For more information please contact:
Planning and Zoning Division
Pharr, Texas 78577
(956) 402-4242
[email protected]