Education (pending document)
City News
Book a Tour
The City of Pharr Public Utilities is open to schools of our community. Tours are available Monday – Friday between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm, and last approximately one (1) hour. It’s a free service, booked on a first-request basis, and on appointment only. We can accommodate up to 10 people in each tour group. For school tours, 3rd grade and up only, we require chaperons at a 1:10 ratio.
To request a tour, please submit a Tour Request Form at least two weeks prior to the Public Utilities Administrative Assistant, Diana Martinez, at [email protected], or call (956) 402-4300.
Additional State & Federal Educational Resources
TWDB Kids | Texas Water Development Board
Welcome to Take Care of Texas | Take Care of Texas
People, Prosperity and the Planet (P3) Student Design Competition | US EPA
Conserve Water
As of 2024, approximately 71% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water. Oceans hold about 96.54% of all Earth’s water, 1% goes into the atmosphere, 1.74% goes to ice cap, glaciers and permanent snow, and 1.69% goes to freshwater resources.
Learn about where the water supply comes from in Texas and how you can help regulate the water supply for our city:
Click to learn more
Learn About Lead
The City of Pharr Water continues to meet all local, state, and federal drinking water standards and monitoring requirements for lead and other chemicals in drinking water.
Understand how your water is serviced and take a look at Pharr’s lead timeline: