Fraud Reporting

The City of Pharr takes allegations of fraud in government seriously.

Fraud is an act of dishonesty intended for personal gain resulting in a loss of city taxpayers’ dollars. Sometimes the way people act might suggest that they are committing a fraud. These signs are called ‘red flags’.

‘Look for the ‘Red Flags’:

Missing inventory or physical assets or using city vehicles, equipment for personal use.
Unjustified wages or time on the time clock.
Abuse of sick leave, workers compensation.
Transactions taking place at odd times, odd frequencies, or involving unusual amounts or to odd vendors.
Internal controls or city policies that are not enforced, or often compromised by higher authorities
Missing, duplicate or altered financial documents.
Inconsistent, vague or implausible responses arising from inquiries.
Common names or addresses of payees or customers.
Collusion among employees, where there is little or no supervision.
One employee has control of a process from start to finish with no segregation of duties.
Audit findings deemed to be errors or irregularities.

Please use the form on the right if you suspect or have witnessed fraud or call (956) 475–3499.

Fraud Reporting Form