The Code Compliance and Health Field Services Division is dedicated in providing prompt and courteous service to our community through the fair, effective, and efficient enforcement of our City’s Code of Ordinances. Officers or Inspectors patrol areas throughout the City for violations and respond to complaints from the public.
Code Compliance officers are also tasked in providing health inspections for food establishments, cafeterias, childcare facilities, mobile food vendors, and any establishment that sells food to the general public.
For general code questions or case updates, please call our office at (956) 402-2633 or send us an email at [email protected]. If you see a possible code violation in your neighborhood, contact Pharr 3-1-1. Remember, you can always call anonymously.
Code Compliance Monthly Newsletter
Report a Code or Health Violation
Report a Code Violation Report a code violation by calling 3-1-1 or by submitting a report online. For more information on code violations, please refer to the Pharr Code list of common code violations or search Pharr’s Code of Ordinances.
Common Code Violations
- Weedy Lots
- Obstruction of City Property or Right of Way
- Illegal Dumping
- Care of Premise
- Junked / Inoperable Vehicles on Private Property
- Dangerous / Dilapidated Structures
- Sign Violations
- Illegal Garage / Yard Sales
Code Compliance Applications:
Health Permits:
Food establishment permits are required for restaurants, bars, retail grocery stores, convenient stores, cafeterias, mobile food units, ice cream vendor units, temporary food events, and any other establishment that sells food to the general public.
Food Handler/Management – For a list of accredited Food Handler Training Programs that are offered and approved by the City of Pharr, please contact the Code Compliance and Health Field Services Division at 956-402-2633 or send us an email at [email protected].
Health Applications:
Request a Lien and/or Mowing Fee Payoff
A lien on your property may exist if charges or fines owed to the City remain unpaid, such as weedy lot charges, demolition fees or any other service done by the Development Services Department. When a lien is issued, the City has a financial claim on your property. Liens affect your ability to sell your property and must be paid in full before ownership of the property can be transferred. Most liens accrue interest over time.
To request and receive a payoff document created by City Staff, email your request to [email protected]. It may take up to five business days to receive your payoff document
Pay a lien or mowing charge
You can mail a check/money order or drop off your payment at our secure drop box to the City of Pharr Code Compliance Division.
Property Maintenance Assistance Program – Held every 2rd Saturday of the month
The Property Maintenance Assistance Program is a service dedicated to assist senior citizens, physically challenged individuals, or those experiencing financial hardships that are unable to maintain their yard.
Community Block Parties – Held every 3rd Thursday of the month
Community Block Parties are held in conjunction with Neighborhood Community Cleanups all in efforts to continue beautifying the city and keeping your neighborhood clean. Code Compliance, Fire Department, Police Department and Public Works join efforts to distribute educational material relating to city codes and ordinances.
If you are interested in any of the programs, please submit a complete application to [email protected].
Where can I report a violation?
You can report a code violation through Pharr’s 311 app or submitting a report online. For more information on code violations, please refer to the Pharr Code list of common code violations or visit the City’s Code of Ordinances.
Do I have to leave my name and number or email address when I report a possible violation?
No, our office receives and investigates both named and unnamed complaints on a daily basis. A person who makes a complaint may remain anonymous
How do I know my complaint was acted upon?
If you called in a complaint and do not see any results, please call us again. Our staff will gladly check the computer records and inform you of the status of your report or put you directly in touch with the assigned code inspector.
What are the enforcement procedures?
The City is divided into geographic districts with a Code Compliance Officer assigned to each district. The Code Compliance and Health Field Services Division receives complaints from a community source or a proactive basis. Our goal is to encourage both owners and tenants to voluntarily comply and eliminate any violations. When a code violation is reported the process follows this process:
What happens if I’m in violation?
First, if there is a suspected violation, the assigned code inspector will take various steps to make sure you are aware of the violation. They may leave their business card or an informational door hanger at your residence or place of business. Second, if we receive no response from you, a notice of violation will be mailed to the property owner and/or occupant giving a specific amount of time to comply. If you need additional time to correct a violation, please take the time to telephone the code inspector. Our goal is to achieve voluntary compliance through education, communication and cooperation.
My whole neighborhood has violations. Why are you picking on me?
Our code inspectors are tasked with monitoring their entire zone on a routine basis and may have observed your violation at that time. In addition, they respond to any and all complaints that are brought to our attention. If you feel we have missed a violation in your neighborhood, please feel free to call and ask for an inspector to investigate. In no way is this program designed to be used as a selective enforcement tool or to be biased against any one citizen, group or business entity. Our focus is to be fair, consistent and impartial in our regulatory processes.