
Only models manufactured after 1975 are allowed in the City of Pharr. Models older than 1975 and/or are sub-standard are not allowed. Before any manufactured home can be moved into the City of Pharr, these are the following requirements to follow:

New manufactured homes:

  • Prior to moving the home, the seller or buyer must submit to this department a manufactured home application and obtain the city’s Building & Code approval.
  • A site plan is submitted with the application. This verifies that the home will not encroach on the front, sides and rear setbacks.
  • $75.00 placement fee shall be charged for the placement of a new manufactured home in a legally recorded subdivision for manufactured homes.
  • Skirting and a driveway are required before electricity is connected.

Used manufactured homes or manufactured homes older than 5 years:

  • The building official or his deputy must conduct a visual inspection of the manufactured home prior to it being moved.
  • $100.00 inspection fee plus fifty-five cents per mile of travel round trip from city hall (non-refundable), if outside city limits must be paid by the seller or buyer before the placement fee permit is issued.
  • If the manufactured home is in good condition and it complies with all applicable codes, the seller or buyer must submit to this department a manufactured home application. Prior to moving the home, the seller or buyer must obtain the city Development Services approval.
  • $75.00 placement fee shall be charged for the placement of a used manufactured home in a legally recorded subdivision for manufactured homes.
  • Skirting and a driveway are required before electricity is connected.

Apply now!

Permits are issued to licensed and bonded contractors.  Commencing work without a permit will result in doubling the permit fee.  Contractors must apply in person at the City of Pharr Building and Safety Division, provide the necessary information and pay the appropriate fee (calculated in accordance to the type of work to be done).


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Helpful Documents:
Contractor Authorization Form
Contractor Application Form
New Contractor Requirements


Contractor Requirements

Contractor Requirements
Building/Movers Contractors $100 Building Registration
$50 Annual Fee
$5,000 Bond Req. / $100,000 Liability Insurance
Electrical Contractors Proof of $300,000 liability insurance
Copy of Electrical State License & Contractor State License
Mechanical Contractors $300,000 liability insurance
Copy of License
Plumbing Contractors $300,000 liability insurance
Copy of state license
Sign, Irrigation, & Demolition Contractors $300,000 liability insurance or $500,000 bond
$75 sign registration fee
$25 renewal fee

Electrical companies will disconnect an electric meter if it is inactive or if a customer requests that the service be disconnected. The following procedres will help expedite the process to re-activate the electrical service:

  • The property owner/renter must obtain an electrical permit for the location. This permit may be obtained by the owner/renter by applying in person at the Building Safety division.
  • The electrical inspector will conduct an inspection of the electrical system at the property. A tag of approval or denial will be left at the site once the inspection is completed.
  • If the system complies with the current adopted electrical code, the Building Safety Division will be able to provide a clearance to the electrical company. Otherwise, deficiencies will require correction by a certified electrician.
  • The owner/renter must contact the electrical company of their choice and ask for the E.S.I.D number (a 17-digit number) or account number. The owner/renter must provide this number to the Building Safety Division who will include it when emailing the clearance to the electrical company.
  • Electrical meter reset permit is $45