The City of Pharr’s Downtown Assistance Program (DAP) is to attract capital and employment that stimulate heritage tourism and, in general, the growth of the local economy in Pharr’s Main Street District. As a property owner or businessperson within the district, you are now eligible for a number of benefits. The entire downtown area also may benefit from a number of opportunities created for designated downtowns.

The Downtown Assistance Program consists of two (2) components as follows:

Façade Restoration Assistance (FRA) Fund: provides financial assistance for new and/or existing businesses to landscape, repair, repaint, renovate, or restore and rehabilitate facades.

Storefront Improvements (Si) Fund: provides financial assistance for merchants for job retention or creation at a rate of $1,000 per employee, up to two employees.


Traditionally, the historic fabric of buildings in downtown reinforced each other forming a visually integrated area. In turn, this nourished the economic vitality of the numerous businesses located there promoting the whole of downtown as a shopping destination.

Therefore, the collective goal of DAP’s elements is to ensure compatibility and visual relatedness in the rehabilitation and improvement of buildings thus, preserving the unique character, heritage, historical appeal and shopping ambience found in downtown Pharr.


For more information, contact:

Mario A. Palomo, Main Street Coordinator
956-702-5360,  ext. 146

October 12th