
The purpose of Operation Phoenix is to resurrect the community’s confidence in law enforcement through pro-active patrol within the neighborhoods of our city.

To lower crime throughout our city.
To establish a rapport with our community
To establish a sense of pride from uniformed officers patrolling the community.
To deter crimes by walking neighborhoods.

The objective of Operation Phoenix is to allow uniformed officers to locate and conduct extra patrol to any residence or business within the City of Pharr of their choice.  Upon choosing a residence, vehicle or business, officers are to utilize a proper notice advising the resident or business owner that extra patrol was provided.

The implementation of Operation Phoenix is reminiscent of older patrol techniques where a uniformed officer would exit his patrol unit and “walk the beat” in any neighborhood.  During the officer’s shift, this type of patrol enables the officer to utilize his natural senses by removing her/himself from the confines of a patrol unit.  During this type of patrol, it is easier to recognize and observe subtle nuances throughout the neighborhood.  It also assists the officer in becoming more approachable within the community.
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