
This division helps to manage and maintain the cities Drainage and Stormwater system

The Drainage division is responsible for clearing, and excavating all open ditches within the city as required.  They are also responsible for the installation and cleaning of subsurface drainage structures and catch basins throughout the city.  They are also responsible for cutting grass along city right of ways  and  drainage structures within the city.

The Drainage Division made many improvements in 2012 particularly, improvements to water flow control on East and West Polk which helped to alleviate flooding concerns for that neighborhood.

One of the largest drainage improvement projects was along the drainage ditches located on West Sioux Road which also included concrete sidewalls that diverts flood waters from the Resacas to the Rio Grande River.

 Stormwater /Drainage Highlights

 A total of 2,187 inlets, 393 grate inlets and 710 manholes were cleaned by Vector Truck.

  • 2 full time inspectors for Stormwater Pollution Prevention and Tire shop (34 Shops registered) inspections
  • Downtown Drainage Improvements, General Land Office Hurricane Relief funded project, $2,100,000.00 Million Dollars of improvements
  • Sprayed 350 gallons of pesticide (mosquito control – health and safety).
  • In-house projects installation of 1,347 linear ft. of stormwater infrastructure.
  • 74,671 ft. = 14.14 miles of canal maintenance for drainage control
  • New storm water stencil program for clean water education in effect
  • 15 construction sites completed developing 140 acres
  • 4 illicit discharge violation sites
  • 1 citation issued- illegal discharge


October 12th