Public Testimony/Hearings
City News
Public Testimony (Ordinance No. O-2019-45)
- A registered speaker may speak only on items on the agenda and may not exceed 1.5 minutes.
- If an agenda item is tabled during a meeting, a member of the public who has previously spoken regarding this item may not register to speak again on the tabled item at any subsequent meetings.
- No person shall be permitted to enter into any discussion or ask questions without the permission of the presiding officer.
- The Mayor or presiding officer may reduce the time for comments and at his/her discretion or regulate the time allotted for comments.
- In order to expedite matters and to avoid repetitious presentations, persons are encouraged to appoint one spokesperson to speak on behalf of the group.
- Many comments are protected as free speech, not all expressed views are protected by any legal immunity or privilege. Consequently, any slanderous comments made during the meeting may be subject to civil liability.
- The Mayor or presiding officer may prohibit comments if the comments are obscene, disorderly, disruptive, irrelevant, repetitive, interrupt, or impair the Mayor or presiding officer from conducting an orderly meeting.
- Matters under litigation may not be addressed and comments regarding specific City employees, staff, and elected officials may be prohibited.
Public Testimony (Ordinance No. O-2019-45)
- A registered speaker may speak only on items on the agenda and may not exceed 1.5 minutes.
- If an agenda item is tabled during a meeting, a member of the public who has previously spoken regarding this item may not register to speak again on the tabled item at any subsequent meetings.
- No person shall be permitted to enter into any discussion or ask questions without the permission of the presiding officer.
- The Mayor or presiding officer may reduce the time for comments and at his/her discretion or regulate the time allotted for comments.
- In order to expedite matters and to avoid repetitious presentations, persons are encouraged to appoint one spokesperson to speak on behalf of the group.
- Many comments are protected as free speech, not all expressed views are protected by any legal immunity or privilege. Consequently, any slanderous comments made during the meeting may be subject to civil liability.
- The Mayor or presiding officer may prohibit comments if the comments are obscene, disorderly, disruptive, irrelevant, repetitive, interrupt, or impair the Mayor or presiding officer from conducting an orderly meeting.
- Matters under litigation may not be addressed and comments regarding specific City employees, staff, and elected officials may be prohibited.