
What is a plat?
A plat is an official map or chart representing a tract of land showing the division of that tract into one or more separate parcels. Plats indicate the placement and length of property line, streets, easements and other pertinent information. A plat must be prepared by a licensed land surveyor or Civil engineer in the State of Texas. After plats are approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Commission, it is filed with the County of Hidalgo and becomes a legal lot of record for which a building permit can be issued.

 When is a plat required?
In accordance with Sec. 212.004 of the Texas Local Government Code, platting property is part of the development process and it is required when you own a tract of land within the limits of the municipality or in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of a municipality who divides the tract in two or more parcels for purposes of development of the parcels. The City of Pharr has established a simple step flowchart that provides users with an overview of the overall development process (see below).

For more information, please contact or visit with a City Planner.


Platting Process:  Step by Step

Step 1:  Pre-application

Project engineer submits two (2) pre-application copies of a subdivision plat to the Development Services Department along with a utility layout. The plan layout should show all existing and proposed utilities including water, sewer, paving and drainage with details. If the subdivision has more than 1 lot, the utilities must be presented on different displays (sheets).

Planner examines the plat against a checklist derived from city ordinance and mails an acknowledge letter with comments to the project engineer so he/she may make corrections to the subdivision plat. Any additions or major modifications will require the project engineer to go through the pre-application process again. Approval of the pre-application layout does not guarantee approval during the preliminary plat review.


  • Subdivision application.
  • Warranty deed (owner shall provide articles of incorporation for proof of ownership)
  • Filing fee indicated within package.
  • One letter size preliminary plan.
  • One digital copy of the preliminary plans (PDF format).
  • 18 set copies of the preliminary plans (Fold plans or bind plans).
  • Tree survey or letter from project engineer indicating that no protected trees exists on property.
  • Owner shall apply at the Hidalgo County Irrigation District #2 for a petition for exclusion. (shall submit at recording phase)
  • Provide 4 approved drainage reports.

Step 2:  Preliminary Plat Submittal
Project engineer will submit eighteen (18) copies of the plat and the utility layout, one (1) set in legal or letter size and four (4) copies of the approved drainage report by Hidalgo County Drainage District #1 to the Development Services Department.

  1. The developer shall submit proof of ownership of the property being subdivided (warranty deed).
  2. A subdivision application which must be signed by the owner of the property and all filing fees shall accompany the plat.
  3. The project engineer must apply with the Hidalgo County Irrigation District No. 2 for a waiver of irrigation service and consent to exclusion of the proposed subdivision, or portion thereof, not requiring raw water.
  4. Meetings are scheduled by the planning staff with all department representatives including the project engineer to review the proposed subdivision and utility layouts. The developer should request in writing any variances they would like the Planning and Zoning Commission to consider and the variance request should include any necessary cost estimates.

Step 3:  Preliminary Plat approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission
The proposed plat is placed on the agenda to be considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission for Preliminary Plat approval.

The project engineer and client may attend the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting.

After the Planning & Zoning commission hearing the project engineer may submit construction plans only if the commission approved the preliminary plat.

Step 4:  Construction Phase
After the subdivision has been presented to the Planning & Zoning Commission and has been approved, the project engineer shall submit eight (8) sets of construction plans and profiles, signed by the project engineer, and must be submitted to Development Services Department for review and approval at least two (2) weeks prior to the anticipated construction start date. After approval of the construction plans and prior to beginning any construction, a pre-construction meeting must be scheduled between the project engineer, the contractor and city staff (see requirements for pre-construction meeting in the City of Pharr Standards Manual).  If the project engineer does not have a City of Pharr Standards Manual, contact Development Services for a digital copy.

Step 5:  Final inspection
As-built plans shall be submitted by the project engineer to Development Services Department.  Plans shall be signed and sealed by the engineer of record.  The subdivision will not be recorded until the as-built drawings have been received.  Six (6) copies of as-built plans, one digital DWG copy (geo-referenced) and certificate of completion from project engineer signed and sealed must be submitted.  Once submitted, a final inspection will be conducted onsite.

Step 6:  Final Plat Approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Commission
Once the final inspection has passed the subdivision will be placed for final plat approval.

Step 7:  Recording Phase
Original subdivision plat must be submitted for signatures.  Recording documentations and recording fees must also be submitted.

Items needed for recording:

  • Tax certificates from the tax office (must be paid with a zero balance)
  • Irrigation tax certificate (this certificate can be obtained from the irrigation office)
  • Petition for exclusion from Hidalgo County Irrigation District #2 office
  • Approved drainage report
  • A copy of the drainage receipt in the amount of $475.00 from Hidalgo County Drainage District #1
  • A copy of the recording fee receipt in the amount of $106.00 from Hidalgo County Courthouse

After recording, the plat will be sent back to the City of Pharr Engineering Department for plat addressing.  City of Pharr GIS manager will address the subdivision plat and once all addresses are completed the plat will be returned to project engineer for their records.