Conditional Use Permits

What is a Conditional Use Permit?
In our Zoning Ordinance, land use activity is permitted in zoning classifications either as a use by right or by a Conditional Use Permit (CUP.) A use by right is a land use activity which has been deemed appropriate and correct for the zone where it is to be located. A Conditional Use Permit allows with conditions and requirements a use that the Zoning Ordinance may not allow. It requires specific case by case approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) and/or City Commission.

How do I obtain a Conditional Use Permit?
A Conditional Use Permit may only be granted upon application to the City by the owner of a property, and through a public hearing process. The City requires you consult with a Planner once applicant has a location and what the use will be. Planner will advise if it is necessary obtain Conditional Use Permit and provide all guidelines and requirements. If applicant wishes to proceed, the planner will explain the application, deadlines, and place of meetings for the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Commission. All fees are nonrefundable.

What documentation is required to submit for a Conditional Use Permit?

  • A copy of the property’s Warranty Deed and if you are a representative for the property, you must bring a letter signed by the owner stating his consent for the request being applied for.
  • A completely filled out application
  • A processing fee (nonrefundable)
  • A site plan of your property. Site plan shall contain the following:
    • Location of all structures on the subject property, to include all setbacks and dimensions
    • Landscaping and/or fencing of yards
    • Existing and proposed uses/changes
    • Design of egress and ingress
    • Off-Street Parking and Loading Facilities

 What is the Conditional Use Permit process?
Applicant must complete the application for the appropriate conditional use permit and file with the Development Services Department by deadline provided.

When the application is submitted a date for the public hearing will be scheduled. Normally the request takes between 4 to 6 weeks.

Legal notices are advertised in the Advance News Journal. All property owners within 300 feet of the proposed property will be notified at least 15 days prior to the public hearing date.

Staff conducts field reviews and evaluates the CUP request with applicable city ordinance requirements. Staff prepares a report to be presented at the P&Z meeting. Any questions regarding the report, should be directed to the Planner assigned.

Depending on the type of CUP there may be other departments involved in the review process.

List of Conditional Use Permits:

  • Home Occupations
  • B.Y.O.B for Venue or Event
  • Church
  • Life of the Use
  • Parking Lot
  • Outside Storage
  • Accessory Use Structure
  • Cellular Towers/Co-Location of Equipment
  • Daycare

For more information please contact:
Development Services
118 S. Cage Blvd
Pharr, Texas 78577
(956) 402-4242
[email protected]