Projects which improve or create housing for low or moderate income homeowners and renters, to include single-family residential unit rehabilitation, reconstruction, and technical assistance.
Pharr Housing Authority
The Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 is the act that introduced the Section 8 voucher program. An amendment to a 1937 federal housing law, the 1974 act provided for vouchers that paid for approximately 70 percent of an eligible tenants rent. Section 8 vouchers are the main type of public housing assistance issued by the federal government. The Housing Choice Voucher Program–which is the official name for federal Section 8 programs–is administered by the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development. In addition to Section 8 vouchers, public housing is the other major form of assistance.
The Pharr Housing Authority’s strategy for addressing the public housing needs of families in the Pharr jurisdiction (and the waiting list) is by reducing turnover time of vacant public housing units, reduce time to renovate public housing units, seek replacement of public housing units lost to the inventory through mixed financial development, employ effective maintenance and management policies to minimize the number of public housing units offline.
The Pharr Housing Authority’s goal is to maintain Section 8 lease rates up by establishing payment standards that will enable families to rent throughout the jurisdiction and undertake measures to ensure access to affordable housing among families assisted by the Pharr Housing Authority, regardless of unit size required.
As of July 1, 2020, the Pharr Housing Authority has (247) Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers and (828) Low-rent Public Housing units occupied.
For more information on the Pharr Housing Authority, please follow the link below:
Affordable Homes of South Texas, Inc.
Affordable Homes of South Texas, Inc. is a community based Non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life by providing affordable housing and related services to eligible families. For 45 years, Affordable Homes of South Texas, Inc. has served thousands of families in the community with solutions for their housing needs.
The City of Pharr obligates Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds annually to Affordable Homes of South Texas, Inc. to administer the city’s Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation & Reconstruction Program.
The housing program assists homeowners by providing funds to income-eligible owner-occupants to assist with the repair, rehabilitation, or reconstruction of their homes. The city pledges to help prevent the displacement of low-income households who otherwise may struggle to keep their home in a livable condition by deeming its housing stock a high priority thus budgeting federal funds to support the housing program.
Besides the city’s housing program, Affordable Homes of South Texas, Inc. provides other programs and services to the Pharr jurisdiction. For more information follow the link below: