Maps Online
City News
The City of Pharr welcomes you to use our interactive GIS Maps. These maps are maintained by our Engineering Department.
The City of Pharr, TX makes no representations about the suitability, reliability, availability, timeliness, or accuracy of the web site for any purpose. The web pages and information contained herein are provided “as is” without warranty of any kind.
All map data presented on this website are for planning purposes only. The data are not adequate for boundary determination or regulatory interpretation. This website and data are maintained by the City of Pharr, TX in cooperation with the County of Hidalgo, LRGVDC 911, and other state, local, and federal agencies. The City of Pharr, TX cannot be responsible for how these data are used or interpreted by the end user.”
For technical assistance, call the City of Pharr – (956) 402-4000
Public Map
Description: This map includes Parcel Information, Zoning, Subdivisions, School and Park locations, 2020 Census Tract boundaries, as well as City Limit & ETJ boundaries.
Turn on layers you want to see in the Layer List on the left hand side. Make sure to zoom in and out within the map, as some layers have different extents.
Disclaimer: All information displayed on this map is subject to verification by field survey or by the agency responsible for maintaining the information. This map is intended for general information only.
If you have any questions, please call our GIS Department at (956) 402-4221, Ext.1413
Engineering and Utilities Map
Description: This map provides information about existing utility systems throughout the City of Pharr.
Additional layers show Street Repaving, Drainage Ditches, and HCRMA ROW. Water, Sanitary Sewer, and Storm Sewer information is subject to verification.