City News
Compliments & Complaints
The employees of Pharr Public Safety Communications strive to respond to the needs of the public by providing professional, effective, efficient, telecommunication response to calls by citizens and public safety responders.
All persons the department has official contact with, including public and agency staff, are considered customers.
It is our policy that the attitude expressed in the Telecommunicator’s voice and mannerisms will show concern for the customers, and will be respectful, non-judgmental, non-complacent, and non-sarcastic. The member’s voice and mannerisms will give the customer the impression that this is the most important call or encounter the Telecommunicator will ever be involved with.
- A Customer Service Award may be awarded for a case, which not only complies with protocol and customer service standards, but also goes even beyond in the area of customer service.
- A Stork pin/bar may be bestowed upon a Telecommunicator whose compliance to protocol and customer service standards is part of a birth.
- A Cardiac pin/bar may be bestowed upon a Telecommunicator whose compliance to protocol and customer service standards is part of a resuscitation.
As a means of maintaining Pharr Public Safety Communications performance and community relations, our department:
- Encourages citizens to recommend improvements in our service delivery.
- Encourages complaints and/or questions about the Communications Center’s performance or action of its members and employees.
How to Submit a Compliment or Complaint
If your interaction with our department either exceeded or failed to meet your expectation, you may request to fill out an incident inquiry form, by contacting our department at (956) 402-4911.
Once your inquiry has been received, you will be notified of the receipt of your complaint. This notification can be by way of phone or email. Once your inquiry has gone through the appropriate investigative channels you will receive a notification of the outcome of inquiry.