FAQ For Vendors
City News
Below are commonly asked questions from vendors regarding procurement for the City of Pharr. Please contact us at (956) 402-4231 or [email protected] with any questions.
What does the Purchasing Department do?
The Purchasing Department is responsible for acquiring goods, services, and construction in a fair, transparent, and cost-effective manner while ensuring compliance with city policies and state procurement laws.
Can I visit the Purchasing Department to offer my goods or services to the City?
An appointment is needed to visit with any member of the Purchasing Department. Call (956) 402-4231 or email [email protected] to schedule an appointment.
How do I do business with the City of Pharr?
Please register with the City’s bidding portal at pharr.procureware.com. Procureware will send automated messages to vendors when procurement opportunities are available based on commodity codes selected during registration.
Is the City exempt from paying taxes?
Yes, the City is exempt by law from payment of Texas Sales Tax and Federal Excise Tax.
What purchasing methods does the city use?
The city utilizes various procurement methods, including:
- Competitive Bidding (IFBs & RFPs)
- Cooperative Purchasing Agreements
- Sole Source & Single Source Procurements
- Emergency Purchases
- Purchase Orders & Procurement Cards (P-Cards)
What is the difference between an Invitation for Bid (IFB) and a Request for Proposal (RFP)?
- FB (Invitation for Bid): Awarded based on lowest responsible and responsive bid.
- RFP (Request for Proposal): Evaluated based on price and additional criteria such as qualifications, experience, and approach.
What is a Single Source or Sole Source purchase?
A Single Source purchase occurs when a product/service is only available from one vendor due to proprietary rights, unique qualifications, or compatibility requirements. A Single Source Affidavit is required for approval.
How does the city evaluate bids and proposals?
Bids and proposals are evaluated based on pricing, compliance with specifications, vendor experience, references, and ability to meet the city’s needs. Certain procurements may also consider local preference policies where applicable.
Who is authorized to sign contracts on behalf of the City?
The City Manager or designee are the only ones with authority to sign any document that commits the City such as contracts, agreements, quotes, order forms, etc.
Where do I send invoices for purchases the City makes?
Send invoices directly to Accounts Payable by email at [email protected]
How can I check the payment status of an invoice?
Please contact Accounts Payable at [email protected]