Accounts Payable
City News
The Accounts Payable Division’s responsibility is to ensure that all City liabilities are paid for based on the proper documentation and approvals.
The objective of the department is to ensure that all applicable accounts payable laws and City’s internal payment procedures are followed. The Accounts Payable Division utilizes check requests and a monthly payment cycle to proficiently operate the accounts payable process.
Per the City’s adopted Purchasing Manual, non-emergency payments are made twice a month. This department and all businesses wishing to do business with the City will adhere to the Purchasing Manual payment guidelines. Please refer to the Finance Department Purchasing Division tab for to review or download the manual.
Vendor Info
W-9 Vendor Requirements
All self-employed vendors that the city departments do business with are required to:
- Fill out a W-9. To fill out a W-9 form, the vendor must provide his social sevurity number or his federal ID number.
- A self-employed vendor that does not have a Federal ID or an Emplyer ID Number (EIN) and puts his social security number on the W-9 form will be required to attach a copy of his social security card and his driver’s license with the W-9.
- For those self-employed businesses that have a federal ID (EIN) with the IRS, must provide a copy of the IRS Form CP575 which was sent to them by the IRS when they were first assigned the federal ID number. If the CP575 cannot be located, then the vendor can contact the IRS and request a copy, which they whill fax or mail to the vendor.
Vendors requiring a 1099 must provide the City with a completed & signed W-9.
Vendors inquiring about when invoices are due for payment can contact the Finance deparment at (956)402-4150.
Conflict of Interest – Vendors, Public Officials, City Employees
Per Chapter 176, LGC and pursuant to H.B.914, conflict of interest should be disclosed at all times. Entities doing business with the City must disclose any potential conflict of interest (example: elected member/employee of the City that provide services to the City for compensation). The City may not disqualify the entities with a conflict of interest, so long as the conflict is disclosed.
Please use the attached forms to disclose your entities’ conflict of interest:
Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form
Please refer to the Staff Directory for Finance Department staff.