911 FAQs
City News
When should I call 911?
You should call 9-1-1 any time you believe an ambulance, fire truck, or law enforcement needs to respond immediately to a situation. If you are not sure you should call 9-1-1 to report something, call 9-1-1 and speak with one of our specially trained Communicators who can help in determining what type of assistance to send.
Will callers dialing 9-1-1 reach a recording?
Public Safety Communications (PSC) answers more than 150,000 9-1-1 calls in an average year. More than 97% of these calls are answered within 10 seconds during a typical day. However, a single incident, such as a rush hour car fire or the recent meteor sighting, may generate more 9-1-1 calls than are able to be answered as quickly as usual by on-duty staff.
Are all 911 calls answered by Pharr PSC?
No. Depending on their location, 9-1-1 callers in Hidalgo County may reach any one of these Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs).
Those PSAPs are:
- Pharr Public Safety Communications
- McAllen Police Department
- Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Office
- San Juan Police Department
- Hidalgo Police Department
- Edinburg Police Department
How can I help the 9-1-1 call taker?
- Answer all questions asked by the call taker.
- Listen to all instructions provided to you by the call taker.
- Speak clearly (so we can understand what you are telling us).
- Remain calm (difficult to do at times, we understand. But by remaining calm, you will help the call taker gather valuable information needed by first responders).
Why does the 9-1-1 call taker ask so many questions?
The call taker answers a 9-1-1 call with the question “9-1-1, what’s the address of the emergency?” This is the most critical piece of information we can gather. If we do not have a location of the problem, how can we send help?
Other questions are asked as appropriate or dictated by Emergency Medical, Fire or Police Protocols. All questions asked by the call taker are important and are asked in such a way to gather the most appropriate information in the shortest amount of time. During emergency situations, help is usually on the way while the call taker continues to gather more information from you.
What should I do if I dial 9-1-1 by mistake?
Do not hang up! Remain on the line (even if you are unsure at first if the call went through) and tell the call taker that the call was a mistake. If you hang up prior to your misdialed 9-1-1 call being answered, the call taker must then send law enforcement and attempt to call you back. This takes up precious time that the call taker could use to answer another call that may be an actual emergency. A common misconception is that you will get “in trouble” for accidentally dialing 9-1-1. This is simply not true! Accidents happen. We understand!
What number do I call for non-emergency assistance or if I am calling from outside of City of Pharr and its partner agencies?
Callers outside of Pharr Public Safety Communications may call 956-402-4911 to report a non-emergency or 956-402-4444 to report an emergency. Please consult our contacts for a more complete list of contact information.
Can I dial 9-1-1 from a cellphone?
Callers outside of Pharr Public Safety Communications may call 956-402-4911 to report a non-emergency or 956-402-4444 to report an emergency. Please consult our contacts for a more complete list of contact information.
Can the 9-1-1 Center communicate with the speech and/or hearing impaired? Or what if the 9-1-1 caller doesn’t speak English?
All workstations in the Communications Center are equipped with Telecommunication Device for the Deaf (TDD) that allows typed (text) communication with people who are hearing and/or speech impaired.
If a caller does not speak English, our center has access to Language Line Services that provide 24hr/day over-the-phone interpretation of over 175 different languages. The process of getting an interpreter on the phone with the caller is generally less than one minute. Most of our Telecommunicators are fluent in Spanish and do not require the use of a language line for Spanish speaking customers.
Is it possible to send a text message to 9-1-1?
Yes. It is possible to text 911 into Pharr Public Safety Communications for customers of the four major wireless carriers (AT&T, Sprint, Verizon & T-Mobile), and Cricket and US Cellular. It’s very important to note, that while Text-to-911 is now available, it is not intended to replace a voice call to 911.Our motto will be,“911: CALL IF YOU CAN, TEXT IF YOU CAN’T”. A voice call to 911 is still the quickest, most efficient way to reach emergency help in Pharr and its partner agencies.
Tips for Internet/Digital Phone Users (VoIP)
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) also called Internet, digital, broadband or cable phone service is a rapidly growing alternative to traditional phone service. Its popularity is fueled primarily by low prices, new features and the consumer’s ability to choose a phone number from nearly anywhere in the country (and sometimes, other countries). Many industry experts anticipate VoIP’s growth will outpace the growth seen by the wireless industry in the last decade.
VoIP may look and appear to work like a traditional phone, but it connects to the internet not a telephone line. There are several critical factors to consider regarding the impact of this service on your ability to call 9-1-1 in an emergency. While VoIP is an attractive option, it is important for consumers to understand the potential limitations the technology has with respect to accessing 9-1-1. Below are some things to keep in mind:
- Check your service provider’s website for emergency calling features.
- When calling 9-1-1, give your location, and call back number.
- Call back if you get disconnected.
- Verify that you can access 9-1-1 with your phone. Check your service provider’s Web site for emergency calling features.
- Be sure to keep your registered location current with your VoIP provider.
- If the power is out, your VoIP service may be out too. Consider purchasing a back up power supply.
- If you travel with your VoIP adapter, be sure to update your registered location with your service provider. The time it takes to process the update can vary considerably. Therefore, when traveling, if you need 9-1-1 service, use another phone.
- Inform children, babysitters, and visitors about your VoIP service.
- Post your address and call back phone number near your phone.
It is a good idea to know what police, fire or sheriff’s department is responsible for your 9-1-1 call and have their phone number on hand to provide to the call taker. Consider keeping a land line phone for accessing 9-1-1 emergency services. Burglar alarms, fax machines, satellite TV, and DVRs often rely on analog modems. Check with your VoIP provider to determine if their service supports analog modems.