City News
- Meter Reading
- Backflow Prevention
- Water Related Services
- Sewer Related Services
- Services Outside Pharr City Limits
The Meter Reading Division is responsible for manually reading all the water meters for residential and commercial customers in the City of Pharr. We currently service over 23,500 accounts. Readings are collected once a month.
For inquiries regarding your water bill please call (956) 402-4151.
Backflow is the undesirable reversal of flow into the potable water system. Potable water is defined as water that is safe for human consumption as required by the public health authority, in this case the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). Since the water purveyor (City of Pharr) incurs liability for the quality of the water sold, we use backflow preventers to limit the risks associated with the consumer’s piping.
A cross connection between our distribution system and another supply of questionable quality is a potential contamination hazard. A non-health hazard is that which does not generally cause any illness but can affect the aesthetic look of the water. A health hazard on the other hand, may spread disease, cause serious illnesses and can be lethal.
In accordance with Ord. No. O-2009-24, § 1, 7-21-09, a backflow assembly device must be attached to all landscape irrigation sprinkler systems connected to the City of Pharr water distribution system. Backflow devices counteract back pressure and/or prevent back siphonage from entering the distribution system. The backflow assembly device must be tested annually by a TCEQ certified backflow tester registered with the City of Pharr and a Test & Maintenace Report must be submitted to our office in the following manner:
Fax: (956) 783-4688 (Original must follow by mail)
City of Pharr – Public Utilities
P.O. Box 1729
Pharr, Texas 78577
Attn: Backflow Prevention
Failure to complete this test could result in termination of your water service and a $75.00 reconnection fee. If you have any questions please call (956) 402-4300.
Tester Requirements
To become a City of Pharr registered tester, the following items must be submitted to our office:
- A copy of your Backflow License (issued by TCEQ
- A copy of your Gauge Test Report / Calibration Test Kit
- Annual registration fee of $100.00- Check or Money Order ONLY- Payable to: City of Pharr
Items can be submitted to our office located at 801 E Sam Houston or by mail at P.O. Box 1729 – Pharr, Texas 78577.
No reports will be accepted unless all the items have been received. All Test & Maintenance reports must be on the City of Pharr approved form. No other forms will be accepted. Contact the Public Utilities Department at (956) 402-4300 for the City of Pharr Backflow Prevention Assembly Test & Maintenance Report form.
Traveling Meters
Persons with a special need for one-time use of a hydrant to obtain a large volume of water for construction purposes may obtain permission at the Utilities Department located at 801 E Sam Houston, Pharr, TX to use a hydrant and traveling meter. Traveling meters are leased on a first come first serve basis. If a traveling meter is not available, the contractor may provide their own but must bring it to the Utilities Department to obtain a reading and for installation. A $325.00 deposit and $30.00 installation fee is required to be paid at the Billing Division located at 118 S Cage Blvd, 1st Floor once permission is granted and before installation.
Underground Locates / Call Before You Dig
State law requires that any person digging anywhere in Texas must notify all utility companies and give them a 48 hours prior notice to mark their underground facilities before starting to dig. The City of Pharr Public Utilities Department, like most utility companies in the state, is a member of Texas811. Texas811 provides a service for all members by receiving calls for locate requests and transmitting the information by computer to its members. If you plan to do any digging, please call Texas811 by dialing 811. If you need city water and sewer facility locations for an emergency, you may contact the Utilities Department at (956) 402–4300.
Fire Hydrant Maintenance
Fire hydrants are an important part of the city water distribution system. They are for the purpose of supplying water for use by the Fire Department for fighting fires and by the Public Utilities Department for maintaining and flushing of the system. Hydrants are tested semi-annually by the Fire Department to ensure proper operation and are repaired by the Utilities Department when needed. Persons who observe leaking or broken hydrants should call the Utilities Department at (956) 402–4300 between 8:00am – 5:00pm or (956) 402–4444 after hours.
Fire Hydrant Usage
The use of fire hydrants in the City of Pharr by private individuals is prohibited unless special permission is granted and a meter has been issued to measure the water used. Use of hydrants without permission of the City is strictly prohibited, as this may prevent use during an emergency or may deplete the water supply. Hydrants being used without a meter should be reported to the Utilities Department at (956) 402–4300 or the Fire Department at (956) 402-4400.
New Water Connections
All water meters for new water service in the City of Pharr must be purchased from the city. In residential subdivisions, the developer installs the water service before the lots are sold. On existing streets and in commercial areas where new water meters are required, the builder must hire a contractor to install the needed service after obtaining a permit. The meter fees must be paid to the Billing division located at 118 S Cage Blvd, Pharr, TX. The order for installation of the meter is transferred electronically to the Public Utilities Department. Installation normally takes between 5-7 business days (excluding weekends and holidays).
Stopped Sewer
Most sewer stoppages in individual buildings are caused by roots and/or grease in the lines owned by the property owner. If the plumbing fixtures simply will not drain, the property owner is advised to contact the Utilities Department at (956) 402-4300 to have personnel check the City lines. Should the problem be on the owner’s side and the City lines are running fine, the owner is advised to contact a plumber.
Sewer Odors
When plumbing fixtures are installed inside a building, a water trap is placed under each fixture to prevent odors from escaping into the building and vent pipes are run through the roof to allow odors to escape to the atmosphere. Sewer odors inside a building are usually an indication that something is wrong with the plumbing system and the system should be checked by a plumbing repair service. The water may evaporate from floor drains and sinks that are not used for a long period of time, allowing odors to escape. Pouring a little water into the plumbing fixture may solve this problem. Sewer odors outside of a building may be an indication that the City sewer main is stopped up and/or broken. If sewer odors are noticed outside of a building, please contact the Utilities Department at (956) 402–4300 immediately.
Excavation Permits
In residential subdivisions, the developer installs the sewer service before the lots are sold. On existing streets and in commercial areas where new sewer services are required, the builder must hire a contractor to install the needed services after obtaining a permit. An excavation permit from the Public Utilities Department located at 801 E Sam Houston, Pharr, TX is required prior to connecting to the city sewer main. The permit is $10.00 payable by check or money order only and the licensed plumber must present his Certificate of Insurance at that time. The sewer connection fees must be paid to the Development Services at the time the plumbing permit is obtained. The order for location of the sewer service takes between 5-7 business days (excluding weekends and holidays).
Persons observing sewage overflowing from manholes, cracks in the pavement surrounding the manhole, a broken or missing manhole lid should notify the Utilities Department immediately at (956) 402–4300 or (956) 402-4444 after hours, weekends or holidays.
Water Meters
These are the water meter fees for adjacent jurisdictions or outside city limits:
- 5/8″ or 3/4″ = $900.00
- 1″ = $1,400.00
- 2″ = $4,000.00
- 3″ = $7,500.00
- 4″ = $10,600.00
- 6″ = $12,200.00
Sewer Taps
These are the sewer tap fees for adjacent jurisdictions or outside city limits:
- Residential = $1,100.00
- Multi-family (duplex, triplex, fourplex) = $3,000.00
- Commercial = $5,000.00
- Apartment House = $6,000.00